Using SparkApplications

Using SparkApplications

The operator runs Spark applications specified in Kubernetes objects of the SparkApplication custom resource type. The most common way of using a SparkApplication is store the SparkApplication specification in a YAML file and use the kubectl command or alternatively the sparkctl command to work with the SparkApplication. The operator automatically submits the application as configured in a SparkApplication to run on the Kubernetes cluster and uses the SparkApplication to collect and surface the status of the driver and executors to the user.

As with all other Kubernetes API objects, a SparkApplication needs the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. For general information about working with manifests, see object management using kubectl.

A SparkApplication also needs a .spec section. This section contains fields for specifying various aspects of an application including its type (Scala, Java, Python, or R), deployment mode (cluster or client), main application resource URI (e.g., the URI of the application jar), main class, arguments, etc. Node selectors are also supported via the optional field .spec.nodeSelector.

It also has fields for specifying the unified container image (to use for both the driver and executors) and the image pull policy, namely, .spec.image and .spec.imagePullPolicy respectively. If a custom init-container (in both the driver and executor pods) image needs to be used, the optional field .spec.initContainerImage can be used to specify it. If set, .spec.initContainerImage overrides .spec.image for the init-container image. Otherwise, the image specified by .spec.image will be used for the init-container. It is invalid if both .spec.image and .spec.initContainerImage are not set.

Below is an example showing part of a SparkApplication specification:

kind: SparkApplication
  name: spark-pi
  namespace: default
  type: Scala
  mode: cluster
  image: spark:3.5.1
  mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
  mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.12-3.5.1.jar


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